• stacked books outside
    5313,  Masters - ADL

    Creating Significant Learning Environments

    In learning how to create significant learning environments, I realized that backwards planning is the most effective way to design a course. I have always considered what it is I wanted my learners to have when they part with me at the end of a training session. By starting…

  • 5313,  Masters - ADL

    Time to Grow and Learn

    When I first heard about the growth mindset this past Fall, I thought that it was missing something. In my research to learn more, I stumbled upon Duckworth’s Grit Theory and immediately felt that this was the critical missing part. Yet as time went on and I deployed these…

  • 5389,  Masters - ADL

    Implementing Professional Learning

    Research has shown that professional learning requires 5 key characteristics to create change. All too often, people who lead these courses fall back to the comfortable method of the sit and get model, negating the very lessons they are trying to impart. In the current century, it is time to…

  • 5313,  5389,  Learning Community,  Masters - ADL

    Contribution to Your Learning

    “Learning never exhausts the mind.” – Leonardo da Vinci  Contributions The members of my core group are: Tania Barrientos, Angel Crittend, and Sara Eder Self-Assessment Grade I was extremely active in my core group, consistently submitted my assignments on time, and took care to ensure all information was included.…

  • 5313,  Masters - ADL

    UbD Design

    As I crafted my UbD, I kept thinking about the Fink 3-column table I made in my last assignment. The goal of both of these lesson planning strategies is to have the teacher make decisions that will allow the students to connect the dots instead of collecting the dots.…

  • 5389,  Masters - ADL

    Planning the Professional Development

    All too often, teachers are subjected to sit’n’get learning that is frowned upon in the classroom. According to David Phillips (2014), people learn more when engaged and when stimulation is purposeful, meaningful, and direct. Yet, teachers are subjected to walls of text and excessive amounts of clever imagery to…

  • 5313,  Masters - ADL

    Aligning Outcomes, Assessment and Activities

    Most people take a vacation by thinking about what they would like to experience on vacation. The vast majority of people do not hop in a car and just pick a direction, start driving, and hope for the time of their life. “By failing to plan, you are preparing…

  • 5389,  Masters - ADL

    Call to Action

    “Insanity in individuals is something rare—but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.” (Nietzsche, 2014)     After fourteen years the current model of professional development has still not changed significantly. Educators are given exciting ideas to implement, but translating those new concepts to the classroom…

  • 5313,  Masters - ADL

    Learning Philosophy

    I currently teach high school seniors in a large public school in Alvin, Texas. While this is my main job, my secondary job is helping with educational strategies through professional development for the other five high schools in my district regarding the development of astronomy content for Alvin ISD.…

  • 5313,  Masters - ADL,  Teaching Philosophy

    A New Culture of Learning

    I found that the information given in The New Culture of Learning was exceptionally light. Compared to the other readings from this master’s course, I struggled with ascertaining how to transfer these limited concepts into any real world application. Dr. Thomas’ only classroom example was over a course that…