• cog wheels for a plan
    5302,  Masters - ADL

    A Plan in Action

    A growth mindset is the understanding that success comes from time and effort rather than some innate ability. Growth mindset is contrasted against the fixed mindset that believes a person has innate ability that is unchanging (Dweck 2008). The vast majority of people have a mixed mindset, with many…

  • 5304,  Masters - ADL

    Avoid the False Mindset

    Educators did not understand how to fully implement a growth mindset as this is a long process. This led to a wave of false growth mindsets across the nation as a counter to the failed self-esteem movement. In reality, the growth mindset was used to perpetuate the feel good…

  • 5304,  Masters - ADL

    What’s Your Why?

    My Purpose “Everything I do is to prepare students for success in life” The Process “By using the science course of astronomy to train them on how to achieve the skills for success” The Result “I create students that can be self-directed learners that have the capacity to reason”…

  • Glasses on a book
    Learning Community,  Masters - ADL


    Team work is always the key to success. Self-Assessment Grade: Overall participation was fabulous for everyone in my group as we all worked together to ensure the best learning outcomes for the group as a whole. I feel that based on my personal contributions for the EDLD 5305 course,…

  • 5305,  Masters - ADL

    Book Resources

    This page is to identify a list of books, articles, and resources that will be helpful to understand how to incorporate blended learning and station rotation in a classroom for emerging adults.

  • 5305,  Masters - ADL

    Innovation Plan

    This Innovation plan walks through the process of implementing student directed blended learning in a station rotation for the purpose of learning astronomy that is geared towards emerging adults in high school for the preparation of higher education or workforce entrance. Content Objectives will be an overview of what…

  • 5303,  Masters - ADL

    e-Portfolios and Their Use

    Even though I have no intention of bringing this concept to my classroom this semester as many of my fellow classmates have indicated, I know that I will implement this concept in the coming years. I am hesitant to rush into this based upon the survey responses of college…

  • Masters - ADL,  Strategy

    Success Requires Planning

    I think that If I want to be successful in any program that planning will be key. As an adult, with four children, and a full time job getting behind can be easy if I fail to set my own dates. I will accomplish this strategy using google calendar and…