Learning every day!
The members of my core group are: Tania Barrientos, Angel Crittend, and Sara Eder
Self-Assessment Grade
I was extremely active in my core group, consistently submitted my assignments on time, and took care to ensure all information was included. When I replied to individuals I ensured that my post contributed with added meaning. I feel that based on this information I should receive a 90/100 for EDLD 5302 and a 96/100 for EDLD 5304. During my first courses this fall, I was introduced to the growth mindset and C.O.V.A., but I still had a shaky foundation of the growth mindset. During the Concepts of Education Technology, I feel that I have embraced the growth mindset and now understand the false mindset. As for the Leading Organizational Change course, I feel that this information is exactly what every person who wants to be a leader should take. The course was packed full of helpful information, skills, and examples. I still need to work on the skills I learned and even review the books frequently.
Key Contributions
During the course, I assisted Sara in organizing a reference page to share with others for the courses by including links to important information and how to access content that was not linked in the course. The main reason I initiated this concept is that finding information in my previous course was difficult as the concepts overlapped between the two courses, and information was posted in a variety of locations. Even though we did not have overlapping concepts this time, the tool has been very useful as a quick reference when writing my assignments.
Using the Whatsapp App we discussed the assignments, shared our e-portfolio, and made revisions based on group member comments. I have also revised my assignments based on my feedback from the professors.
I ensured that all my work was properly cited in APA format and turned in early for my peers to review as per the course guidelines.
Supporting Contributions
I was thoughtful in posts on the discussion boards and tried to post promptly during each unit. I was reflective in my responses to peoples’ posts on the discussion boards and returned to see other peoples’ messages to my posts. I felt that this discussion was very useful in my learning process as I used their insight to self-reflect on my own personal learning.
I maintained constant communication in my group to make sure that questions were answered quickly and encouragement was given often.
I sent out reminders if none had been posted on days we had class or when assignments were due.
I assisted the team with new learning networks they were unaware of from NASA, the SEEC conference and facebook page where I have talked about training, materials, and tips about implementing the lessons.