5317,  Masters - ADL,  Uncategorized

Publishing a Paper

I am very interested in publishing a paper regarding my innovation plan at Edutopia, a publication catering to education that is a part of the George Lucas Educational Foundation. According to their paper requirements, they accept articles that are under 850 words from educators in primary or secondary schools. They seemed to be interested in projects that deal with teaching strategies similar to my innovation plan.


As an educator with ten years of experience, I know that my job as a teacher should be one that resembles a coach. I spend time ensuring that each student has authentic learning opportunities to allow for ownership of their learning through guided lessons. I give the students the opportunities for success by learning from failures, trying new things that make each student work a little bit harder, and appreciating that it is possible to be successful.

Proposal Intention:

This paper will illustrate how teachers can reach students on the students’ own terms, thereby filling the learning gaps that have been plaguing the educational system for decades. The paper briefly describes issues noted by the author regarding educating the current average student and the methods she has discovered that appeared to reach 138 of her 145 (95.17%) students during the spring term of the 2022-2023 school year.

Rough Draft

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