• About,  Uncategorized

    When There is No “Happy” in Holidays.

    Not everyone has happy holidays. When I was a teenager, I was homeless. Even though my family had great Thanksgivings I could go to, I knew that my mother was still a substance abuser, and the next day I would be without family like the rest of the year.…

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    Final Compilation Post of 5318

    Throughout the course, I engaged in a comprehensive process of course development. In Module 1, I crafted a detailed course overview, complete with an outline, a fully developed design map, and a Fink (2003) 3 Column Table lesson plan. This foundational phase provided a clear structure for the course,…

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    COVA Reflection & Application

    I created an innovation plan with the aim of providing helpful support to students by incorporating student-centered learning, critical thinking, digital literacy, personalized goal setting, and the application of knowledge in authentic contexts. By including these elements, the plan offers a comprehensive framework to foster students’ growth, engagement, and…

  • 5315,  Masters - ADL,  Uncategorized

    Action Research

    The purpose of creating this study is to seek and explore improved ways to incorporate differentiated instruction for the hopes of closing learning gaps in students. Firstly, research has shown that students have diverse learning needs, and a “one-size-fits-all” approach to teaching has been shown to be ineffective at…

  • 5317,  Masters - ADL,  Uncategorized

    Publishing a Paper

    I am very interested in publishing a paper regarding my innovation plan at Edutopia, a publication catering to education that is a part of the George Lucas Educational Foundation. According to their paper requirements, they accept articles that are under 850 words from educators in primary or secondary schools.…

  • 5315,  Masters - ADL,  Uncategorized

    Research Outline

    This paper will analyze how to analyze differentiated instruction through the need, process, and drawbacks from implementing blended learning during a class through the means of station rotation in order to incorporate differentiation of instruction with the goal of meeting the needs of all students in the heterogeneous educational…