Resources Digital Enviroment

  • 5317,  Masters - ADL

    Final Draft For Publishing

    Creating a paper for publishing is a daunting task. I commend all my fellow classmates for their efforts and their insight. I hope that some found my ideas to be informative as well.

  • 5317,  Masters - ADL

    Resources Digital Environments

    I honestly expected a course that improved my digital capabilities. That was not what this course entailed. Instead, I spent my time creating an article to publish regarding what I had learned in my masters program and my innovation plan for teaching. The assignment on creating digital media, was…

  • 5317,  Masters - ADL

    Media Project

    I have taught for ten years, and what I see are classrooms filled with multi-skill leveled students. Heterogeneous grouping is generally considered optimal to use in all settings such as these.  The meta-analysis report by Tomlinson et al. (2003) indicates that low-performing students are most successful in heterogeneous grouping,…

  • 5317,  Masters - ADL,  Uncategorized

    Publishing a Paper

    I am very interested in publishing a paper regarding my innovation plan at Edutopia, a publication catering to education that is a part of the George Lucas Educational Foundation. According to their paper requirements, they accept articles that are under 850 words from educators in primary or secondary schools.…

  • 5317,  Masters - ADL

    Publication Outline

    In just a few months, I will graduate with my masters degree, and with that comes the responsibility to share with others and help them learn. I plan to share the knowledge I have gained and hope that others will benefit from this knowledge. I hope that my learned…