• 5313,  Masters - ADL

    Learning Philosophy

    I currently teach high school seniors in a large public school in Alvin, Texas. While this is my main job, my secondary job is helping with educational strategies through professional development for the other five high schools in my district regarding the development of astronomy content for Alvin ISD.…

  • 5313,  Masters - ADL,  Teaching Philosophy

    A New Culture of Learning

    I found that the information given in The New Culture of Learning was exceptionally light. Compared to the other readings from this master’s course, I struggled with ascertaining how to transfer these limited concepts into any real world application. Dr. Thomas’ only classroom example was over a course that…

  • Girl on a Computer
    5302,  Masters - ADL


    I think e-portfolios seem like a fantastic idea to maintain all of your professional knowledge and display your capabilities. I had never heard of these before starting my Masters in Applied Digital Learning. I knew some people had personal websites, but I always assumed that these sites were for…

  • 5302,  Masters - ADL

    Concepts of Educational Tech

    Since the program is set up with C.O.V.A. as its foundation, I felt that by the end of the program I will have a full grasp of all the components. I learned that modeling is the best way to motivate people. I appreciate that not only have I learned…

  • Stack of books where a persons head should be
    5302,  5304,  Learning Community,  Masters - ADL


    Learning every day! Contributions The members of my core group are: Tania Barrientos, Angel Crittend, and Sara Eder Self-Assessment Grade I was extremely active in my core group, consistently submitted my assignments on time, and took care to ensure all information was included. When I replied to individuals I…

  • qualities of a leader
    5304,  Masters - ADL

    Self Differentiated Leader

    The focus of this course was identifying internal characteristics that one possesses and how to influence others in your organization. The first unit focused on understanding why people do what they do. This was interesting as often many know ‘how’ and ‘when’ but not ‘why’ they do things. This…

  • Personal Learning Network - Connect - Share - Learn - Grow
    5302,  Masters - ADL

    Learning Networks

    I spent the first three years of my career as the only chemistry teacher at my school. I felt so alone and the only assistance I received was a list of all the topics I needed to cover. This time period was so stressful as I floundered to figure…

  • 5304,  Masters - ADL

    Crucial Conversations

    Mastering the skills of effective communication is the absolute foundation of success in life. To be an effective communicator, a leader should aspire to become a self-differentiated leader. Friedman indicates that differentiation of self is the ability to step out of the system to distinguish between thoughts and feelings.…

  • The 4DX plan
    5304,  Masters - ADL

    4DX – Gain the Ability to Follow Through

    The 4DX plan will be used in two ways. First, I will use this plan to work with my team to get them on board with my innovation plan and create a learning environment that allows for control, ownership, voice, and an authentic learning opportunity. I will then add…

  • 5302,  Masters - ADL

    Learning Manifesto

    I believe high school does not have to define my students’ whole life and their possibility to be successful. I believe that each student is capable of learning and applying that knowledge to help them grow. I believe that each student sets their own pace of learning and that…