Synthesis Digital Learning

EDLD 5320 Synthesis of Digital Learning and Leadership/Capstone

In this comprehensive course, I reflected on my digital learning experiences, examining my growth as digital learner and leader. The focus is on synthesizing knowledge, skills, beliefs, and values to create a comprehensive plan that showcases my development as individual capable of promoting innovation, crafting significant digital learning environments, and leading organizational change. By exploring personal growth and identifying key competencies, I gained insights into my transformation and overcome challenges to become an effective digital leader. The course emphasizes fostering creativity and forward-thinking, empowering others, and cultivating a culture of innovation to drive positive change in educational settings. Ultimately, I was equipped to thrive as digital learner and leader, and hopfully will make an impactful contribution to the field of education.

EDLD 5318: Designing Online Learning

We explored the principles of effective online and blended learning, focusing on intentional design strategies that leverage technology to enhance the learning experience. We learned how to create engaging digital environments, promote active participation, and provide meaningful assessments and feedback to students. The course emphasized the instructor’s role in fostering a supportive online community and promoting self-directed learning. Overall, we gained valuable insights into utilizing technology as a facilitator, not a barrier, to learning, empowering us to design and implement engaging online and blended learning experiences for our students.

EDLD 5317 Resources for Digital Environments

The course description promised to explore the efficacy of digital resources and the benefits of using them in the learning environment. However, the actual course content and assignments did not align with these expectations. Instead of enhancing our digital capabilities, we were tasked with creating an article about our master’s program and innovation plan for teaching. This unexpected focus left us feeling disappointed and unfulfilled, as it did not contribute to the intended learning outcomes. The experience highlights the importance of clear communication between instructors and students and the need for courses to be designed to meet the desired learning objectives effectively.

EDLD 5389: Developing Effective Professional Learning

The course I attended focused on transforming traditional professional development into a more effective and engaging learning experience. Instead of relying on the passive “Sit and Get” model of information transfer, the course aimed to promote an active and participatory “Go and Show” approach to professional learning. By adopting this active learning approach, participants were encouraged to move beyond simply receiving information and instead actively demonstrate their knowledge and skills. The course sought to challenge traditional notions of professional development and inspire educators to embrace a more proactive and collaborative approach to their own professional growth. Overall, it aimed to equip educators with innovative strategies and tools to facilitate a more dynamic and meaningful professional learning experience.

EDLD 5315 Assessing Digital Learning and Instruction

The course description held the promise of quantifying and assessing learning in digital environments through practical measurement solutions. However, the actual experience fell short of these expectations, leaving us questioning the relevance of certain assignments, like rewriting the literature review for publication. Despite this mismatch, we still gained valuable insights and knowledge during the course. It serves as a reminder of the importance of aligning course content with stated goals and advocating for relevant and meaningful learning experiences that empower educators in digital environments.

EDLD 5313 Creating Significate Learning Environments

The course focused on constructivist philosophy and its application in creating student-centered learning environments. Through the exploration of constructivist techniques, I learned to design engaging and technology-enhanced learning experiences that fostered motivation and active participation. The integration of technology was emphasized as a means to enhance learning and encourage student engagement. As a result of the course, I have gained a deeper understanding of constructivist approaches and how to empower students to take ownership of their learning. I am now equipped to create inclusive and dynamic learning environments that promote collaboration, critical thinking, and lifelong learning.

EDLD 5305 Disruptive Innovation in Education

I actively engaged with the core principles of embracing technological innovations as opportunities for enhancing the learning environment. I adopted a proactive mindset, viewing technological changes as catalysts rather than challenges. Seeking ways to integrate new technologies into my teaching practice, I fostered a culture of innovation within my learning environment. Recognizing the importance of preparedness, I actively pursued professional development opportunities and collaborated with other educators to stay updated on the latest trends in educational technology. This transformative journey has equipped me to lead technological change with confidence, making a positive impact on the educational landscape within my institution.

EDLD 5304 Leading Organizational Change

Leading Organizational Change was undoubtedly the best course I’ve taken. It provided a remarkable platform to explore current leadership theories and practices for driving digital change in organizational systems. The course’s focus on The 4 Disciplines of Execution and Influencer: The Power to Change Anything truly opened my eyes to innovative strategies and approaches for leading impactful transformations within educational settings.

EDL 5302 Concepts of Educational Technology

The Concepts of Educational Technology course provided a comprehensive exploration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and its potential to enhance teaching and learning experiences. Throughout the course, we learned to integrate educational technologies effectively into our instructional practices, creating engaging and interactive learning environments for students. Emphasis was placed on fostering digital literacy and citizenship, preparing students to navigate the digital world responsibly. By embracing a student-centered approach, we discovered new avenues for personalized learning and the development of essential 21st-century skills. Overall, the course offered transformative insights into leveraging ICT to empower students as leaders in the realm of digital learning.

EDLD 5303 Applying Educational Technology: Portfolio

In this course, I had the valuable opportunity to learn about ePortfolios and successfully set up my own. Throughout the learning process, I gained a comprehensive understanding of the significance of ePortfolios as a powerful tool for showcasing my skills, achievements, and growth as an educator. I explored various platforms and strategies for creating an effective ePortfolio that reflects my professional journey and highlights my accomplishments. The experience of setting up my ePortfolio was both empowering and enlightening, as it allowed me to curate a digital showcase of my work, experiences, and aspirations in the field of education.


Course descriptions. Lamar.edu. (n.d.). https://www.lamar.edu/education/educational-leadership/online-master-of-education-degrees/med-applied-digital-learning/course-descriptions.html

Dweck, C. (2016, January 11). Recognizing and overcoming false growth mindset. Edutopia. Retrieved January 29, 2023, from https://www.edutopia.org/blog/recognizing-overcoming-false-growth-mindset-carol-dweck 

Grenny, J. (2013). Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change. McGraw-Hill Education.

Grenny, J., & Patterson, K. (2013). Influencer: The power to change anything. McGraw-Hill Professional.

Harapnuik, D. (n.d.). C.O.V.A. COVA Model. Retrieved from https://www.harapnuik.org/?page_id=6615.

Huling, J. (2012). 4 Disciplines of execution – achieving your wildly important goals. Simon & Schuster.

McChesney, C., Covey, S., Huling, J., Walker, B., & Thele, S. (2022). The 4 disciplines of execution: Achieving your wildly important goals. Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc. 

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